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I Bawang teken I Kesuna : The Twin Sister Story

Dalam kisah ini, Bawang Merah adalah Bawang, dan Bawang Putih adalah Kesuna. Mereka adalah dua orang bersaudara yang tinggal bersama kedua orang tuanya. Bawang dan Kesuna punya sifat yg jauh berbeda. Bawang adalah seorang yang pemalas dan tidak suka bekerja keras. Ia juga iri hati dan suka memfitnah. Kesuna adalah seorang yang pendiam, jujur dan rajin bekerja. Hampir semua pekerjaan rumah Kesuna yang mengerjakan, namun karena Bawang pandai mengambil hati orang tuanya, maka Bawang yang disayang oleh mereka.

Pada suatu hari ayah mereka ke sawah dan ibu ke pasar. Kesuna meminta bantuan Bawang untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, namun Bawang selalu menolak. Akhirnya Kesuna mengerjakan semuanya sendiri. Setelah semua beres ia pun pergi ke sungai untuk mandi. Ketika Kesuna masih di sungai, ibu mereka pulang, dan Bawang cepat-cepat melumuri badannya dengan abu dan mengatakan bahwa dia seharian kerja dan Kesuna kerjanya hanya bermain saja tidak mau menolongnya.

Ketika Kesuna kembali dari sungai, ibunya memukulnya dengan sapu lidi dan mengusir Kesuna. Kesuna yang sedih pergi ke hutan dan menangis. Disana banyak burung cerukcuk kuning. Kesuna berkata:

"Cerukcuk kuning, cerukcuk kuning
Patuklah ubun-ubunku
Biar aku cepat mati"

Burung cerukcuk itu hinggap dikepalanya kemudian mematuk ubun-ubun Kesuna. Kesuna mengira ubun-ubunnya telah terluka, tapi ternyata dikepalanya terpasang rangkaian bunga emas. Burung itu mendekat dan mematuk leher, dan tumbuhlah kalung emas. Kemudian burung itu mematuk telinga, pergelangan tangan dan kaki, jari-jemari, dan tumbuhlah anting-anting, gelang, dan cincin berlian.

Kesuna menyadari bahwa ia telah ditolong oleh burung cerukcuk tersebut. Maka ia pun memutuskan untuk pulang ke rumahnya. Namun sesampainya dirumah, keluarganya tidak mau menerimanya kembali. Lalu Kesuna kerumah neneknya, yang menerimanya dengan senang hati karena menyangka cucunya tersebut telah mati.

Pada suatu hari datanglah Bawang meminta api ke neneknya. Lalu Bawang melihat Kesuna sedang memintal. Bawang melihat perhiasan Kesuna yang banyak dia pun meminta setangkai bunga emas. Karena Bawang dulu pernah memfitnahnya, Kesuna tidak mau memberikannya. Bawang pulang menangis dan memceritakan ke orang tuanya bahwa Kesuna sudah pulang.

Lama-kelamaan Bawang dan orang tuanya tahu rahasia perhiasan yang dikenakan Kesuna. Lalu Bawang pura-pura dimarahi orang tuanya, dan diusir. Bawang pura-pura menangis pergi ke hutan. Ketika bertemu burung cerukcuk, Bawang menyuruhnya mematuk sekujur tubuhnya:

"Cerukcuk kuning, cerukcuk kuning
Patuklah ubun-ubunku, telingaku,
Leherku, tanganku, kakiku, jari-jariku,
Sekujur tubuhku.
Biar tubuhku penuh emas berlian"

Burung cerukcuk hinggap ditubuh Bawang dan mematuknya. Namun bukan emas berlian yang tumbuh, melainkan luka parah disekujur tubuhnya. Bawangpun mati ditempat itu juga. Kejahatan dan keserakahan Bawang mengakibatkan petaka baginya.

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Jayaprana dan Layonsari: Balinese Romance

Dua orang suami istri bertempat tinggal di Desa Kalianget mempunyai tiga orang anak, dua orang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan. Oleh karena ada wabah yang menimpa masyarakat desa itu, maka empat orang dari keluarga yang miskin ini meninggal dunia bersamaan. Tinggalan seorang laki-laki yang paling bungsu bernama I Jayaprana. Oleh karena orang yang terakhir ini keadaannya yatim piatu, maka ia puan memberanikan dirimengabdi di istana raja. Di istana, laki-laki itu sangat rajin, rajapun amat kasih sayang kepadanya.
Kini I Jayaprana baru berusia duabelas tahun. Ia sangat ganteng paras muka tampan dan senyumnya pun sangat manis menarik.
Beberapa tahun kemudian.

Pada suatu hari raja menitahkan I Jayaprana, supaya memilih seorang dayang-dayang yang ada di dalam istana atau gadis gadis yang ada di luar istana. Mula-mula I Jayaprana menolak titah baginda, dengan alasan bahwa dirinya masih kanak-kanak. Tetapi karena dipaksan oleh raja akhirnya I Jayaprana menurutinya. Ia pun melancong ke pasar yang ada di depan istana hendak melihat-lihat gadis yang lalu lalang pergi ke pasar. Tiba-tiba ia melihat seorang gadis yang sangat cantik jelita. Gadis itu bernama Ni Layonsari, putra Jero Bendesa, berasal dari Banjar Sekar.
Melihat gadis yang elok itu, I Jayaprana sangat terpikat hatinya dan pandangan matanya terus membuntuti lenggang gadis itu ke pasar, sebaliknya Ni Layonsari pun sangat hancur hatinya baru memandang pemuda ganteng yang sedang duduk-duduk di depan istana. Setelah gadis itu menyelinap di balik orang-orang yang ada di dalam pasar, maka I Jayaprana cepat-cepat kembali ke istana hendak melapor kehadapan Sri Baginda Raja. Laporan I Jayaprana diterima oleh baginda dan kemudian raja menulis sepucuk surat.
I Jayaprana dititahkan membawa sepucuk surat ke rumahnya Jero Bendesa. Tiada diceritakan di tengah jalan, maka I Jayaprana tiba di rumahnya Jero Bendesa. Ia menyerahkan surat yang dibawanya itu kepada Jero Bendesa dengan hormatnya. Jero Bendesa menerima terus langsung dibacanya dalam hati. Jero Bendesa sangat setuju apabila putrinya yaitu Ni Layonsari dikawinkan dengan I Jayaprana. Setelah ia menyampaikan isi hatinya “setuju” kepada I Jayaprana, lalu I Jayaprana memohon diri pulang kembali.
Di istana Raja sedang mengadakan sidang di pendopo. Tiba-tiba datanglah I Jayaprana menghadap pesanan Jero Bendesa kehadapan Sri Baginda Raja. Kemudian Raja mengumumkan pada sidang yang isinya antara lain: Bahwa nanti pada hari Selasa Legi wuku Kuningan, raja akan membuat upacara perkawinannya I Jayaprana dengan Ni Layonsari. Dari itu raja memerintahkan kepada segenap perbekel, supaya mulai mendirikan bangunan-bangunan rumah, balai-balai selengkapnya untuk I Jayaprana.
Menjelang hari perkawinannya semua bangunan-bangunan sudah selesai dikerjakan dengan secara gotong royong semuanya serba indah. Kini tiba hari upacara perkawinan I Jayaprana diiringi oleh masyarakat desanya, pergi ke rumahnya Jero Bendesa, hendak memohon Ni Layonsari dengan alat upacara selengkapnya. Sri Baginda Raja sedang duduk di atas singgasana dihadap oleh para pegawai raja dan para perbekel baginda. Kemudian datanglah rombongan I Jayaprana di depan istana. Kedua mempelai itu harus turun dari atas joli, terus langsung menyembah kehadapan Sri Baginda Raja dengan hormatnya melihat wajah Ni Layonsari, raja pun membisu tak dapat bersabda.
Setelah senja kedua mempelai itu lalu memohon diri akan kembal ke rumahnya meninggalkan sidang di paseban. Sepeninggal mereka itu, Sri Baginda lalu bersabda kepada para perbekel semuanya untuk meminta pertimbangan caranya memperdayakan I Jayaprana supaya ia mati. Istrinya yaitu Ni Layonsari supaya masuk ke istana dijadikan permaisuri baginda. Dikatakan apabila Ni Layonsari tidak dapat diperistri maka baginda akan mangkat karena kesedihan.
Mendengar sabda itu salah seorang perbekel lalu tampak ke depan hendak mengetengahkan pertimbangan, yang isinya antara lain: agar Sri Paduka Raja menitahkan I Jayaprana bersama rombongan pergi ke Celuk Terima, untuk menyelidiki perahu yang hancur dan orang-orang Bajo menembak binatang yang ada di kawasan pengulan. Demikian isi pertimbangan salah seorang perbekel yang bernama I Saunggaling, yang telah disepakati oleh Sang Raja. Sekarang tersebutlah I Jayaprana yang sangat brebahagia hidupnya bersama istrinya. Tetapi baru tujuh hari lamanya mereka berbulan madu, datanglah seorang utusan raja ke rumahnya, yang maksudnya memanggil I Jayaprana supaya menghadap ke paseban. I Jayaprana segera pergi ke paseban menghadap Sri P aduka Raja bersama perbekel sekalian. Di paseban mereka dititahkan supaya besok pagi-pagi ke Celuk Terima untuk menyelidiki adanya perahu kandas dan kekacauan-kekacauan lainnya. Setelah senja, sidang pun bubar. I Jayaprana pulang kembali ia disambut oleh istrinya yang sangat dicintainya itu. I Jayaprana menerangkan hasil-hasil rapat di paseban kepada istrinya.
Hari sudah malam Ni Layonsari bermimpi, rumahnya dihanyutkan banjir besar, ia pun bangkit dari tempat tidurnya seraya menerangkan isi impiannya yang sangat mengerikan itu kepada I Jayaprana. Ia meminta agar keberangkatannya besok dibatalkan berdasarkan alamat-alamat impiannya. Tetapi I Jayaprana tidak berani menolak perintah raja. Dikatakan bahwa kematian itu terletak di tangan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Pagi-pagi I Jayaprana bersama rombongan berangkat ke Celuk Terima, meninggalkan Ni Layonsari di rumahnya dalam kesedihan. Dalam perjalanan rombongan itu, I Jayaprana sering kali mendapat alamat yang buruk-buruk. Akhirnya mereka tiba di hutan Celuk Terima. I Jayaprana sudah meras dirinya akan dibinasakan kemudian I Saunggaling berkata kepada I Jayaprana sambil menyerahkan sepucuk surat. I Jayaprana menerima surat itu terus langsung dibaca dalam hati isinya:
“ Hai engkau Jayaprana
Manusia tiada berguna
Berjalan berjalanlah engkau
Akulah menyuruh membunuh kau

Dosamu sangat besar
Kau melampaui tingkah raja
Istrimu sungguh milik orang besar
Kuambil kujadikan istri raja

Serahkanlah jiwamu sekarang
Jangan engkau melawan
Layonsari jangan kau kenang
Kuperistri hingga akhir jaman.”

Demikianlah isi surat Sri Baginda Raja kepada I Jayaprana. Setelah I Jayaprana membaca surat itu lalu ia pun menangis tersedu-sedu sambil meratap. “Yah, oleh karena sudah dari titah baginda, hamba tiada menolak. Sungguh semula baginda menanam dan memelihara hambat tetapi kini baginda ingin mencabutnya, yah silakan. Hamba rela dibunuh demi kepentingan baginda, meski pun hamba tiada berdosa. Demikian ratapnya I Jayaprana seraya mencucurkan air mata. Selanjutnya I Jayaprana meminta kepada I Saunggaling supaya segera bersiap-siap menikamnya. Setelah I Saunggaling mempermaklumkan kepada I Jayaprana bahwa ia menuruti apa yang dititahkan oleh raja dengan hati yang berat dan sedih ia menancapkan kerisnya pada lambung kirinya I Jayaprana. Darah menyembur harum semerbak baunya bersamaan dengan alamat yang aneh-aneh di angkasa dan di bumi seperti: gempa bumi, angin topan, hujan bunga, teja membangun dan sebagainya.
Setelah mayat I Jayaprana itu dikubur, maka seluruh perbekel kembali pulang dengan perasaan sangat sedih. Di tengah jalan mereka sering mendapat bahaya maut. Diantara perbekel itu banyak yang mati. Ada yang mati karena diterkam harimau, ada juga dipagut ular. Berita tentang terbunuhnya I Jayaprana itu telah didengar oleh istrinya yaitu Ni Layonsari. Dari itu ia segera menghunus keris dan menikan dirinya. Demikianlah isi singkat cerita dua orang muda mudi itu yang baru saja berbulan madu atas cinta murninya akan tetapi mendapat halangan dari seorang raja dan akhirnya bersama-sama meninggal dunia.

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Kebo Iwa: Balinese Guardian

Di Bali pada zaman dahulu, hiduplah sepasang suami istri. Mereka kaya, hanya saja mereka belum mempunyai anak. Suatu hari mereka pergi ke pura. Mereka memohon kepada Yang Maha Kuasa agar diberi keturunan. Waktu pun berlalu. Sang istri mulai mengandung. Betapa bahagianya mereka. Beberapa bulan kemudian, lahirlah seorang bayi laki-laki. Ternyata yang lahir bukanlah bayi biasa. Ketika masih bayi pun ia sudah bisa makan makanan orang dewasa. Setiap hari anak itu makin banyak dan makin banyak. Anak itu tumbuh menjadi orang dewasa yang tinggi besar. Karena itu ia dipanggil dengan nama Kebo Iwa, yang artinya paman kerbau.

Kebo Iwa makan dan makan terus dengan rakus. Lama-lama habislah harta orang tuanya untuk memenuhi selera makannya. Mereka pun tak lagi sanggup memberi makan anaknya. Dengan berat hati mereka meminta bantuan desa. Sejak itulah segala kebutuhan makan Kebo Iwa ditanggung desa. Penduduk desa kemudian membangun rumah yang sangat besar untuk Kebo Iwa. Mereka pun memasak makanan yang sangat banyak untuknya. Tapi lama-lama penduduk merasa tidak sanggup untuk menyediakan makanan. Kemudian mereka meminta Kebo Iwa untuk memasak sendiri. Mereka cuma menyediakan bahan mentahnya.

Kebo Iwa memang serba besar. Jangkauan kakinya sangat lebar, sehingga ia dapat bepergian dengan cepat. Kalau ia ingin minum, Kebo Iwa tinggal menusukkan telunjuknya ke tanah. Sehingga terjadilah sumur kecil yang mengeluarkan air. Karena kehebatannya, Kebo Iwa dapat menahan serbuan pasukan Majapahit yang hendak menaklukkan Bali. Maha Patih Majapahit pun mengatur siasat. Ia mengundang Kebo Iwa ke Majapahit dengan alasan akan mencarikan wanita calon istri yang sesuai dengan ukuran tubuhnya. Ia kemudian meminta Kebo Iwa membuatkan beberapa sumur, karena kerajaan itu kekuarangan air minum.

Kebo Iwa menyanggupi tanpa curiga. Setibanya di Majapahit, ia menggali banyak sumur. Sungguh pekerjaan yang berat, karena ia harus menggali dalam sekali. Ketika Kebo Iwa sedang bekerja di dasar sumur, Sang Patih memerintahkan pasukannya menimbuni Kebo Iwa dengan kapur. Kebo Iwa sesak napasnya. Kemudian ia pun meninggal di dasar sumur. Dengan meninggalnya Kebo Iwa, Bali pun dapat ditaklukkan Majapahit. Berakhirlah riwayat orang besar yang berjasa pada Pulau Bali.

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Manik Angkeran: The Origin of Bali Strait

Pada jaman dulu pada saat pulau Jawa masih bersatu dengan pulau Bali, di kerajaan Daha (suatu daerah di jawa timur) hiduplah seorang Brahmana yang benama Sidi Mantra yang sangat terkenal kesaktiannya. Sanghyang Widya atau Batara Guru menghadiahinya harta benda dan seorang istri yang cantik. Sesudah bertahun-tahun kawin, mereka tidak mempunyai seorang anak. Karena keinginan yang kaut untuk mempunyai seorang anak, akhirnya Bhagawan Sidi Mantra melakukan upacara Dewasraya (persembahan kepada Tuhan) untuk meminta keturunan. Akhirnya doanya terkabul dan bhagawan Sidhi Mantra dikarunai seorang anak laki-laki yang mereka namai Manik Angkeran.

Meskipun Manik Angkeran seorang pemuda yang gagah dan pandai namun dia mempunyai sifat yang kurang baik, yaitu suka berjudi. Dia sering kalah sehingga dia terpaksa mempertaruhkan harta kekayaan orang tuanya, malahan berhutang pada orang lain. Karena tidak dapat membayar hutang, Manik Angkeran meminta bantuan ayahnya untuk berbuat sesuatu. Sidi Mantra berpuasa dan berdoa untuk memohon pertolongan dewa-dewa. Tiba-tiba dia mendengar suara, "Hai, Sidi Mantra, di kawah Gunung Agung ada harta karun yang dijaga seekor naga yang bernarna Naga Besukih. Pergilah ke sana dan mintalah supaya dia mau mernberi sedikit hartanya

Sidi Mantra pergi ke Gunung Agung (Bali) dengan mengatasi segala rintangan. Sesampainya di tepi kawah Gunung Agung, dia duduk bersila. Sambil membunyikan genta dia membaca mantra dan memanggil nama Naga Besukih. Tidak lama kernudian sang Naga keluar. Setelah mendengar maksud kedatangan Sidi Mantra, Naga Besukih menggeliat dan dari sisiknya keluar emas dan intan. Setelah mengucapkan terima kasih, Sidi Mantra mohon diri. Semua harta benda yang didapatnya diberikan kepada Manik Angkeran dengan harapan dia tidak akan berjudi lagi. Tentu saja tidak lama kemudian, harta itu habis untuk taruhan. Manik Angkeran sekali lagi minta bantuan ayahnya. Tentu saja Sidi Mantra menolak untuk membantu anakya.

Manik Angkeran mendengar dari temannya bahwa harta itu didapat dari Gunung Agung. Manik Angkeran tahu untuk sampai ke sana dia harus membaca mantra tetapi dia tidak pernah belajar mengenai doa dan mantra. Jadi, dia hanya membawa genta yang dicuri dari ayahnya waktu ayahnya tidur.

Setelah sampai di kawah Gunung Agung, Manik Angkeran membunyikan gentanya. Bukan main takutnya ia waktu ia melihat Naga Besukih. Setelah Naga mendengar maksud kedatangan Manik Angkeran, dia berkata, "Akan kuberikan harta yang kau minta, tetapi kamu harus berjanji untuk mengubah kelakuanmu. Jangan berjudi lagi. Ingatlah akan hukum karma."

Manik Angkeran terpesona melihat emas, intan, dan permata di hadapannya. Tiba-tiba ada niat jahat yang timbul dalam hatinya. Karena ingin mendapat harta lebih banyak, dengan secepat kilat dipotongnya ekor Naga Besukih ketika Naga beputar kembali ke sarangnya. Manik Angkeran segera melarikan diri dan tidak terkejar oleh Naga. Tetapi karena kesaktian Naga itu, Manik Angkeran terbakar menjadi abu sewaktu jejaknya dijilat sang Naga.

Mendengar kematian anaknya, kesedihan hati Sidi Mantra tidak terkatakan. Segera dia mengunjungi Naga Besukih dan memohon supaya anaknya dihidupkan kembali. Naga menyanggupinya asal ekornya dapat kembali seperti sediakala. Dengan kesaktiannya, Sidi Mantra dapat memulihkan ekor Naga. Setelah Manik Angkeran dihidupkan, dia minta maaf dan berjanji akan menjadi orang baik. Sidi Mantra tahu bahwa anaknya sudah bertobat tetapi dia juga mengerti bahwa mereka tidak lagi dapat hidup bersama.

"Kamu harus mulai hidup baru tetapi tidak di sini," katanya. Dalam sekejap mata dia lenyap. Di tempat dia berdiri timbul sebuah sumber air yang makin lama makin besar sehingga menjadi laut. Dengan tongkatnya, Sidi Mantra membuat garis yang mernisahkan dia dengan anaknya. Sekarang tempat itu menjadi selat Bali yang memisahkan pulau Jawa dengan pulau Bali.

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Rare Angon= The Herd-Boy

A herd-boy, name Rare Angon once made a shadow puppet out of banana-leaf while he was herding cows in the rice fields. The puppet represented a very beautiful woman, but he made it from his imagination. A prince heard about it and sent for the boy and asked who the figure really was. But though he knew her name was Lobang Kori he did not know who she was. It just came like that, he said. The prince threatened him with death if he did not find the lady and bring her to him. So he set out on his journey to unknown destination in search of unknown lady.

Farther and farther he went, till he met a wizard who showed him the way to Lobang Kori. ‘But you must marry her and not the king,’ said the wizard. The boy was troubled by the thought of his mission, so Lobang Kori told him to make a bee hive and carry her to the palace. She made herself very small and crept inside, and he made all haste to bring her to the palace. When the prince heard the lady was inside, he said: ‘if that is so, she is no use to me; you may take her home.’ So he took her home and married her.

The prince heard that Rare Angon had an incomparable beautiful wife, and he goes to his house disguised as a bird catcher. When he saw her he was enraptured, and cried out to Rare Angon: ‘I must have your wife, she is so beautiful. Tomorrow I will come here and fetch her away.’ Rare Angon was very sad but she comforted him and said the king should never get her. On four successive days the prince came to fetch her; the first day he was bitten by a snake, the second by centipede, the third by snake, and on the fourth day he was attacked by bees and stung to death. And Rare Angon lived happily with his Lobang Kori.
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Sampik Ingtai = a Love Story

Once upon a time there was a girl named Ingtai. She asked her parent to send her to school at Wencunikuta. They could not bear to part from her, for she was the joy of the home. But she begged so hard that at last they consented, and she gave them her sash by which they might know whether she were alive or dead. So long as it remained whole, she was in good health; but if it went to pieces they would know she was dead. Then she cut off her hair and dressed herself as a boy, and everyone said it suited her beautifully.

She jumped into her wagon, and set off to school. On the way she met a very attractive youth called Sampik. He was also going to school at Wencunikuta, so she took him along with her. They are both admitted by the teacher and took a room together in the town. Sampik was still imagining her to be a boy. They put to a bolster down in the middle of the bad, and agree that if either of them put a leg across he must pay a fine. Ingtai had to pay very often.

One day they saw wild duck disporting themselves by the water side, and Ingtai hints that they might do the same, but Sampik refused to understand. When she undressed and he saw that she is a woman, he got very excited, and there was a great love-scene between them. He wanted to marry her on the spot, but she said that she had to go home first and prepared the way; he is to follow in 3 + 7, 2 + 8, 4 + 6 days. He misunderstood, and added all the days together, and came in thirty days instead, when she had already been promised to Subandar Macun. Sampik returned home in despair to tell his parents.

His father was furious with him for taking it so much to heart. If it was a woman he wants, he would show him plenty of them. His mother scolded. The heart of the dragon and the sinews of a golden cock were suggested as a cure for love-sickness, and there was a temple scene in which the necessary offerings were had to be made. A parrot carried a letter from Sampik to Ingtai, in which he simply said: “I shall die if I cannot marry you.” She replied: “You must die alone then, for I am obliged to marry someone else. But we shall meet again after death.” When Sampik read the letter he died of a broken heart, and was buried in a graveyard not far from the main road.

Meanwhile Ingtai had married Mancun, and they are on the way to his home. As they were passing the graveyard, she asked leave to stop for a minute to speak to her former school friend. “Why did you die alone?” she cries. “Why did you not take me with you?” Immediately the grave opened and she stepped in. They came together before Batara Indra in Svarga(heaven) and prayed to be born again. Macun, when he saw her disappear into the grave, dug it open and found only two bumble-bees inside. One of them stung him, and both flew away.

Sampik and Ingtai come back to earth, find their grave violated, and sue for justice against Macun. In vain Macun pleaded that he was looking for his wife, and tried to bribe the judge. He could do nothing against Sampik and Ingtai, for they had been blessed by Indra. Sentai was reconciled to her father and married to Sampik with great rejoicings. Macun was smuggled into the wedding by Ingtai’s mother, whom he had bribed with rich presents. He made himself very important and tried to steal Ingtai away. A scuffle took place in which he was worsted and forced to retire ignominiously.
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I Empas Teken I Belibis: The Foolish Turtle

Once upon a time there was a turtle called Empas lived in a pond on the slope of Mount Batur. Unfortunately a long draught occurred and the water of the pond reduced considerably day by day until one day the water completely disappeared from the pond, the water plant dried up and turned to dust in no time. The poor Empas was short of food and water but the draught showed no sign of coming to an end. He was terribly malnourished and unable too walk. He realized that his end is near and tried his best to calm his mind so he could die peacefully.

While he was calming his mind, two geese arrived at the dried pond. They looked weary and disheveled a sign of long flight from unknown place. The geese were busily preening themselves, and did not notice the presence of Empas. Empas used all of his remaining energy to shout for help. The geese heard his cry of help and came to the source of the cry and found Empas in miserable condition. One of the geese asked, what seems to be the problem my friend?” With all his might and of course with much heaving and sobbing, Empas told the geese his pitiful condition; the geese listened attentively and understood his unfortunate condition.

“I think we can help”, said one of the geese, “I have an idea, just wait here” and he jump into the bush and came back a moment later with a large and sturdy stick in his beaks. “Now listen”, he said “I want you to clamp your jaws tightly on the middle of this stick, my friend and I will take each end in our beaks and with our combined strength we should be able to get you airborne”, he added, “but you must not open your mouth or speak under any circumstances, that could cause you to lose your grip and you will fall down”.

Without any hesitation, Empas took the stick firmly in his jaws and the geese did likewise in theirs. It was hard, at first, for the geese to take off, but they managed to ascend and flew toward the east. They had flown all night long, and right after dawn they flew over a skinny dog, the scrawny cur was cunning. He looked up slyly, and noticed the curious trio and he instantly understood what to do to get a tasty meal. “Oh my Lord!” he cried loudly, “what do I see here? Why, if it is not two geese carrying a cow-crud?” “Stop…!” snapped Empas and he fell down.
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Smarandhana: The origin Of Love

The demon-king Nilarudraka, whose citadel was at the foot of Himalayas, had long been waging war with heaven. The gods could not destroy him, for he had received Siwa peomise that he should die neither at the hands of gods nor men nor other demon like himself. Only Siwa himself could devise a remedy; but Siwa was practicing yoga on mount Meru, and none of the gods dared to wake him. They decided at last that Siwa favorite child, Semara, the God of Love, must be persuaded to undertake the dangerous task, and all went together in search of him. When they found him they did obeisance, and sat down each one in his place.

Then Indra said: ‘Brother, we have a prayer to make. Heaven threaten to be destroyed by Rudraka, who was his power from Siwa, and against whom neither men nor gods nor demons can prevail. Our only hope is to bring Siwa out of his meditation, so that he may lie with Parwati and bear a child of such shape that he can kill Rudraka. And now our universal prayer is that you should go, who are Siwa’s favorite child.’ Semara said: ‘It is dreadfully dangerous me to go against my father will. He will kill me in his anger.’ Then Indra said: ‘Siwa’s yoga has lasted long enough. You have no fear, for after all it is our business you are going on, not your own. You had better set off at once, and take the Widyadari (angel) with you.’

So Semara was persuaded, but first, he said, he must go home and put on fine dress for the journey, and take leave of Dewi Ratih, his wife. Semara broke to her that he must go and wake Siwa, in order that he may remember Parwati and bear a child, which some device must be of monstrous shape, neither god nor man nor demon. She warned him of the danger and implored him not to leave her. But he stole away while she was still sleeping after a night of love, and came at last with divine beings who attended him, before Mount meru. But two such terrible giants kept guard over the mountain that Semara’s heavenly companions fled before them, leaving him alone.

He prayed to Siwa to awake. He shot arrow after arrow, but they all turn into garlands of flower when they touch Siwa, and in no way disturbed his meditation. Semara began to make spells, summoning all his thoughts into one spot. And with this clump of thought he shot again, and his spell entered Siwa thought and he awoke. There was great earthquake when Siwa woke, and there were no bounds to his wrath. He was like fire-spitting mountain. In his rage he burned Semara to ashes, but lay on him a curse that he should return as an insect and enter living thing and make them mad.
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Pedanda Baka: The Crane in Priestly Robe

On the slope of mount Meru, there was a pond with many fishes lived in it; they lived happily there for long time. Unfortunately a long drought came, the water decreased significantly day by day. The fishes began to feel insecure.

A crane, seeing this condition from the branch of a tree near the pond, thought that it is the perfect time for him to do something so he dressed himself with priest robe and wear a priest headdress. He came to the edge of the pond and addressed the fishes: Oh, my children the drought has surely take his toll on you, the water of this pond will surely evaporate in no time, and you will die if you stay here. I know a pond on the other slope of this mountain; there is plenty of water there and it won’t run out of water even in a drought that three times longer than we experience now”.

To this interesting offer, one of the fish responded: “oh that sounds good, but how can we believe you; you are a crane, you feed on us. It is the nature of crane to eat fish. If we come with you, I am afraid we will end up in your belly instead of in a pond full of water”.

The crane in solemn tone responded: My dear child you don’t have to be afraid. I have ordained as a priest. I have abandoned the path violence; I now walk in the way of Ahimsa. I admit, in the past, I had eaten many of your kinds, I am aware of my past sin, by helping you I hope I can redeem my sins. It is not I who help you but you are the one who help me by giving me a chance to atone for my past mistakes. Besides it is the duty of a priest to help other”.

Upon hearing these words, the fishes gather together and discuss their situation. They fully understood that if they stay in this pond they will surely die since the water was decreasing constantly. They also aware that crane was the natural predator of them but the crane have been ordained as a priest and it is forbidden for him to harm others besides crane’s words give a hope for better life in better place for them. The discussion reached its end. One of the fish swam up and spoke to the crane: “we accepted your offer, and we hope that your words are true and of course we also hope that when you take us to the new pond, you will fly as fast as possible since we can not survive for a long time outside of the water”.

To these words, crane responded: “no need to worry my child, as a priest, it is forbidden for me to tell a lie or to harm other sentient beings and of course I will flay as fast as I can to ensure your safety. But I can not take you all at once; I have to carry you one by one between my beaks, so my burden is not too heavy and I can fly fast enough to arrive at the new pond before you breathe your last breath”. The fishes agreed to this arrangement.

Watching silently from a corner of the pond was a crab; he was the friend of the fishes. He remained skeptical to the crane offer. He watched in silence when his friends were taken one by one by the crane to the new pond. After some time all of the fishes had been taken by the crane, the crab approached the crane and said: “oh dear crane, please take me to the new pond. I can not live here alone; I will be so lonely without my friends”. The crane agreed to take the crab to the new pond, but the crab refused to be carried between the crane’s beaks, he begged to be allowed to hang on the crane’s neck. The crane agreed, and the crab hung on the crane’s neck by holding it with his pincers.

The crane flew with the crab held his neck tightly with his pincers. From above the crab saw the remains of his friends, many fish bones scattered on the top of a flat rock. The crab concluded that the crane, disguised as a priest, had deceived his friends and feasted on them.

Enraged, the crab shouted: “you deceived and killed my friend; it is your time to be killed now”. The crab tightened his grip to crane’s neck and choked the crane. With gasping breath the crane spoke “if you kill me now, we will fall to the ground and you will die also”. To this threat, the answered: “my friends are waiting for me in the Old Land, I will gladly join them, and share them an interesting story, and of course I will take you to prove that my story is real.” The crab tightened his grip further and killed the crane. Both of them fell down on the flat rock.
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Gajah Nyapa Kadiaku: The Arrogant Elephant

A long time ago, there was a big elephant living in the jungle with other animals. This elephant was so arrogant because of his over confidence on his strength and his gigantic body which could destroy anything. Many animals had been killed.

One day, this elephant, again, behaved unpleasantly. It walked wildly without any consideration on other animals’ safety. He felled the trees; trampled on them; and sometimes threw the stems out using its trunk. And that day, he felled another tree, the tree where a female bird named I Siung Luh brood her eggs. Unfortunately, the female bird could only save itself. Watching her eggs were broken made her felt so guilty and sad. Every single day she cried on her eggs and blamed herself.

Other animals also couldn’t stand it anymore. All decided to take revenge to this arrogant elephant. They; I Belibis (heron), I Buyung (fly), Guak (a crow), I Belatuk (woodpecker), I Godogan (frog) gathered to discuss it. “Siung Luh, it is better for you to stop crying. That damned elephant is really an evil. He will pay for it if he dies,” said I Guak calming down I Siung Luh. I Siung Luh then smiled and asked to them how to defeat the giant elephant. I Belibis who had thought a strategy on his mind then proposed his strategy. “It will be good if we are careful in going to the elephant place. First, I will make he falls asleep by looking for fleas on his body,” explain I Belibis. “ Okay. After falling asleep I will stab his eyes,” I Guak continued the discussion. “Well, I Belatuk will peck its ear and I Buyung will lay his eggs on its eyes so his eyes unable to see,” I Guak added. “The last, it is obvious he will look for water because he will be very thirsty. And I will sing as a sign that there is water near him,” I Godogan proposed his idea. “I will sing there near the ravine,” he closed the plan discussion.

Shortly, all animal had been in elephant place. The elephant did not know that his end was near; it was very sure that it could not be defeated by anything. Then with stealthy steps, the animal, one by one moved closer to do what they should do. Each of them did the duty very well. After, its eyes unable to see and its ears were peck again and again, the elephant was thirsty and he started looking for water. On that time, I Godogan sang. The elephant that could only hear then went toward the sound. He went right to the ravine. And when he fell down to the ravine all animal were happy.

The life of animals in that jungle was finally at peace after the giant elephant died. The trees never be destroyed and the birds never worry about the broken egg anymore.

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Jaratkaru: The Hermit's Wedding

A long time ago, a great hermit named Jaratkaru lived. He did lot of goodness. He was a good hermit since he never forgot about his responsibility as a hermit. Alas, he was too firm of his conviction that he would not marry any women.

When he graduated from ascetic academy he became the best hermit. What he did everyday in his simple life was praying and japa (belt out a religious song) and doing some other religious activities. He understood clearly all the function of mantra. Those things engrossed him. As a consequence, he had no desire to have a woman beside him.

His great attention in asceticism led him to get more and more abilities. One day, he could reach the junction between hell and heaven. At there, he saw decrepit man hung on brittle bamboo which was being bitten by the rats. If the bamboo was not strong anymore then apparently the man would fall down; to the hell. The man looked very hurt and tired. Jaratkaru was very sad and thought that the man must be has many sins to be paid.

Then he offered to give him half of his merit he got from his good deed in the earth in order to pay a half sin of that man. Unpredictably that man refused it. The man asked Jaratkaru to tell his son which was still alive to get marry since all the man’s agonies occurred because his son did not want to marry. Jaratkaru promised help him and forward a question about his son’s name. Jaratkaru was very surprised when he knew that the man’s son was Jaratkaru himself.

Jaratkaru cried and felt regret; looking at his father was suffered because of his conviction which was considered as the right one. He was a firm man that he felt it was so hard to break his conviction. But his father’s spirit would be painful forever if he did not break it. His mind was mixed-up. But then he decided to go back to the earth to fulfill his responsibility as a human being; marry a woman and got children. Not just any woman. He would marry a woman who had the same name with his. And finally he got a woman named Jaratkaru. This woman actually was a female dragon yet she had transformed into a woman.

Jaratkaru had accomplished his responsibility. And his father succeeded to be freed from the agonies.

That story above taken from Adiparwa scripture prove that as human being, people are responsible to get marry and have children in order to create their successors. Balinese assure that the ancestor will be in trouble if the children who are still alive do not want to accomplish their responsibility.
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Pakang Raras: The Lost Prince

Pakang Raras who was about fourteen years old, was flying kites one day with his attendants, Punta and Wijil, when the string broke and they lost their way in the forest. They were driven by a great storm to take shelter in the palace gardens of Daha, where the king’s young daughter was bathing in a pool. She took Pakang Raras home with her and became her page. He taught her to play the gamelan and she took a great fancy to the charming youth, and gave him fine clothes and a kris.

They used to sing Kekawin together about Arjuna and Suprabha, and one day after she had gone to her own room to rest, Pakang Raras followed her and made love to her. After that he went in everyday. And they exchange gift of flowers. But one day her maid Bajan saw him and told the King, who ordered his patih to take Pakang Raras away and kill him. When he was told that he must go at once with the patih to Blambangan, Pakang Raras knew that he was going to be put out of the way and asked leave to go and change his clothes for the journey.

In his own room, he wrote a hasty letter to the princess, in which he said: “Little sister, I am Mantri Koripan. Forgive me for not telling you. I am taking leave of you now, for I must die. But as proof that I really am king of Koripan you will find my clothes under the nagari tree in the garden. Then he put the letter under his pillow and dressed and went out to the patih. I know that I must die because I dared to make love to the princess. But listen! If my blood smells sour you will know I was of low caste. But if it smells sweet, that will be proof that I was royal blood.” So the patih stabbed him then and there, and his blood smelt very fragrant.

The princess very much surprised that her darling Pakang Raras suddenly stopped coming to see her, and she went to look for him in his room, thinking he might be ill. She found his letter under the pillow, and at once rushed into the garden and found his clothes, as he had said, under the nagari tree. Weeping bitterly she set off into the forest too look for him, and after long searching she found his body, and would have killed herself upon it, had not Civa taken pity on her sorrow and brought Pakang Raras to life again.

They returned radiant and rejoicing to the palace, and Pakang Raras, wearing his royal dress, went straight to the king, who at once recognized him as king of Koripan and gave his consent to the marriage, which was celebrated amid universal rejoicing.
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